Tuesday, October 25, 2011


On Monday we went on a field trip to the Valrhona factory and Capfruit, which are about 2 hours away. The Valrhona factory was amazing. 

Everything was warm and the smell of melted chocolate permeated everything. I could have made a nest in the factory hallways and never left. We saw a movie about their chocolate plantation in Venezuela and then went on a tour of the factory. We saw the machines that separate the shells and the cocoa nibs from the bean, the roasting machines, and the machines they use to mix the different kinds of chocolate. Then we saw and tasted the chocolate as it was ground ever finer and finer. Then the conching machines-oh my-was it hot in there! Last, we saw the molding and tempering machines, and the packaging assemblies. Most of the machines are “antique” because when they tried the newer, more productive machines, they were unable to replicate the authentic Valhrona taste. Instead they use old machines and make their own parts when they break. That is dedication to chocolate. It was fascinating to see all of the machines at work, and to hear Valrhona’s perspectives on chocolate. We got gift bags with professional information, and some professional products. 

Then, we went to the Valrhona store! Ah, tres magnifique! There were bowls of truffles and chocolate covered everything lying around for you to take as many as you can eat. And let me tell you, we all consumed more than we should. 

I also bought a chocolate book by Valrhona and Pierre Herme for an unbelievably cheap price. I also may have bought a few people some chocolate treats. When you check out, they fill your bag with more free chocolate! Every shopping experience should come with free chocolate in your bag. It makes every penny you spent seem like nothing! 

Afterwards, we had lunch at a restaurant in town. The town is Tri Hermitage, which is famous for very expensive wine. The town in nestled among steep hills covered in the vines of the famous Hermitage wine. We had a salad of cabbage, walnuts, and an incredibly creamy blue cheese as our appetizer. Lunch was beef bourguignon, with succulent, tender beef, and dessert was a nougatine ice cream with raspberry coulis. All of this was accompanied by wine. It was a relaxing two hours. 

Then we loaded back on the bus and went on a short drive to Capfruit, which is a fruit puree company.No exciting pictures for this trip, but we tasted lots of interesting fruits and it was a great trip!

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