Monday, October 10, 2011

Second Friday Final

For our final buffet this week, we had our Gateaux St Honore, pain de genes chocolate, éclairs, and our napoleons. Everything was delicious and slightly different from your traditional versions of these desserts.

For example, éclairs are generally filled with pastry cream and then covered in a chocolate glaze. Instead, we baked a “crumble,” a mixture similar to streusel, on top of the éclair. Then we made two different types, the first was filled with a hazelnut moussilline cream and caramelized almonds.

The second contained a chocolate moussilline cream and a chocolate croustillant praline mixture. They were both heavenly and we all stuffed our faces with éclairs until we could not eat anymore!

Our napoleons were not like the traditional napoleon either; they did contain the traditional puff pastry layers, but they were filled with the same croustillant praline mixture as the éclairs, which is a mixture of milk chocolate, praline paste, and feulletine (which is kind of like rice krispies). Then we added a chocolate mousse layer inside and covered the edges with mouse. We piped the mouse into lines and placed it into the flash freezer. Once frozen, we did what is called a “velvet” technique: you immediately spray chocolate taken from the flash freezer with spray chocolate, and it creates a velvet texture on the item. Then we tempered chocolate, cut it and painted it with luster dust for the finishing bars on the side. 

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