Friday, October 7, 2011

Days 7-8

Not too much happens of the days we have French class and research. We sit around a lot and stare at our computers. I am learning some French, although considering I don’t have to really utilize it besides ordering food, I don’t have high hopes for gaining any significant grasp on this language. 
We did take a lovely hike on a cool, crisp morning where we could no longer deny that fall has arrived. Mist hangs in all the hills, the trees are hinting at their impending hibernation, and berries and stones line the paths. 

In class we made pain de genes chocolate, where you rather tediously line a tart pan with butter and sliced almonds, and then fill it with what tastes sort of like a flourless chocolate cake, but there is flour. There is marzipan inside in a significant quantity, but it is not  immediately noticeable.

We also got to try a sampling of the chocolates from the very fancy chefs who were at the school for extra training. There was a rose chocolate, a marzipan citrus chocolate (my favorite) and a lot of chocolates I had no idea what their flavor was, but they tasted amazing! They posses the most perfect ganache on the inside, not too runny, not too firm, and collapsible like mousse but much richer. I wish I knew how to make that!

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